Sunday, October 25, 2009

Stimulus Package Reaching Clarity

Earlier this year the Democratically controlled Congress passed (in a partisan vote) and the President signed a 787 billion dollar "stimulus" bill. Conservatives rightly stated that this bill would have little or no stimulating effect on the US economy. This massive, 1,100-page bill was rushed and passed without being read or studied by either the Congress or the President. It came to light after passage that the radical group ACORN actually wrote and crafted a large part of the bill! Obama stated that if the bill was passed, unemployment would stay below 8%. We now have a reported unemployment rate of 10% and it is still growing. An Obama official this week stated that the stimulus bill has already reached its maximum influence on the economy. It is now reported that only 14% of the authorized money has been spent. So what does all that mean? Are you starting to see a strategy develop?

Almost everything the Obama administration has done so far is to further his radical, left-wing, socialist agenda. Most of the money that has been spent has been to take care of unions and government-sector employees, his political mainstays. The private sector has received nothing, thus the continued rise of unemployment. There are many experts who state that the current unemployment rate is really about 18% if you include the discouraged workers who are no longer seeking employment. Home mortgage foreclosures and bank failures continue to rise while Obama is working on social engineering instead of fixing the economy. One would think that the President is committing political suicide with this strategy but is he?

To me it is obvious what the President and the socialistic followers are doing. They knew two things when they took power in January of 2009: (1) They would be on a "honeymoon" with the American people and the press for 12-18 months which would allow them to carry out an outrageous agenda without much criticism and (2) If the economy was fixed first, there would not be any money left for his socialist agenda or it would be so large the people would not accept it. Obama and his left-wing clan created an 877 billion dollar, political slush fund that will be used in 2010 and 2012 to buy enough votes so the American people will not throw them out of office once they they turn America from a capitalistic nation into a socialistic nation. Their plan is simple: Do social engineering and then redistribute taxpayer money to buy enough votes to stay in power. My friends, your tax dollars are being used to pay for your downfall. This is not complicated so don't make it so.